
Take control of your marketing

RelaxAd offers you the opportunity to act immediately and provides a comprehensive overview of the various networks where your ads are displayed, all available directly from your phone. With this flexibility and accessibility, you can quickly adjust and optimize your campaigns in real-time, ensuring that your marketing strategy is always up-to-date and effective

Personlised dashboard

Keep track for your marketing

With RelaxAd’s Dashboard, you can streamline your digital marketing by consolidating all your ad accounts from different networks into one user-friendly interface. Monitor campaigns across platforms such as Google, Meta, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest in one place. Leverage machine learning tools and insights to assess the real impact of your strategies.

Smarta filter

Take action in real-time

RelaxAd offers a dynamic solution for managing digital ads across various networks in real-time. With this platform, all users can quickly and easily adjust budgets and bidding strategies across all connected ad networks. Whether it’s increasing budgets for high-performing campaigns or fine-tuning bids for increased cost efficiency, RelaxAd provides the tools and flexibility needed to effortlessly optimize costs and maximize ROI across different platforms.

Smart filters
Cross-platform editing

En flik för allt.

With RelaxAd, you can easily manage all your marketing from a single platform, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms with distinct interfaces. This user-friendly platform not only simplifies the management of your campaigns but also provides powerful tools to create and edit content for your campaigns on all connected platforms, including Google Ads, Meta, Pinterest, TikTok, and several others. This offers you a seamless and integrated experience that saves valuable time and provides a unified overview of your marketing efforts across a wide spectrum of channels.

Why us?

Our goal is to challenge existing systems and empower you as an entrepreneur, business owner, or marketing manager. With our simple and intuitive interface, you can control everything directly from your mobile, without relying on agencies or external experts. This gives you the freedom to quickly adapt and optimize your marketing strategies while maintaining full transparency and control over your campaigns.

You own your accounts

All data remains your own. We simply empower you to control your own destiny

You own all of your campaigns

RelaxAd guides and consolidates. But we never lock you in.

Fixed monthly fee

No hidden fees or percentages based on your ad spend.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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